Phaser Fire Protection Ltd has an experienced design team to help you get the right sprinkler system for your needs.
Design Services
Phaser Fire Protection Ltd. has an experienced design team to help you get the right sprinkler system for your needs. Choosing the correct sprinkler system for your building is based on many factors from the type of product you are storing, the height you want to store, and how you are going to storing it, will it be on the floor or on racking. All these factors need to be addressed prior to starting a sprinkler system design. With our experienced design team we will ask all the right questions to ensure all your fire protection needs are met or exceeded.
All standard fire protection requirements will use a water based sprinkler system, be it wet, dry, pre-action or foam systems, they all use water to control or suppress the fire. Wet, dry, pre-action or foam systems are used for different building or storage requirements based on whether the building is heated or unheated and whether the product being protected highly sensitive to water damage. Based on this information a type of system is chosen and a design is started.
Over time there have been numerous changes to the codes and standards we use, as well as the technology that we use for fire protection. We are continually educating ourselves through training seminars and demonstrations to ensure we are providing our clients with the latest and best options for their fire protection needs.